Client Testimonial

James Harris

It’s the little things. After more than 5 years at the Fitness Factory, I am still learning things from Joan & Augustine. Who would have thought that? And it’s the little things, important things, amazingly useful things like how I stand slightly off balance when I’m at rest and how this impacts my posture, my back, my walk, why the heels on my work shoes wear out unevenly and why my lower back is often killing me with muscle spasm & pain.  

Just a little observation like that, with the corrective adjustment from Augustine & the team at the Fitness Factory has improved my daily quality of life enormously.

But it’s not just in the workouts, the Restorative Stretch Therapy sessions I signed up for has always left me feeling much better.  Add in Augustine’s “pearls of wisdom”, life lessons and the experience is nothing like other gyms. This is a full mind, body and spirit workout!

Thanks so much to Joan & Augustine. You have given me so much more than I expected when I first signed up. 

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