Losing body fat is not just about aesthetics; By having too much body fat in our body, our overall health and quality of life will be affected, especially as we age and grow older. For example, areas such as reducing risk of chronic diseases, improving mobility and joint health, enhancing physical performances. It is also important to approach bodyfat loss in a sustainable approach, focusing on long-term habits rather than quick fixes.  

Here are 5 tips to approach bodyfat loss: 

Calorie deficit – In order to lose bodyfat, we need to create a caloric deficit through consuming fewer calories that we expend, increasing our physical activity, or a combination of both. It is usually recommended to do both as it will be more sustainable. A good gauge will be to aim for a deficit of 500 calories per day by tracking our daily calorie intake, which can lead to a sustainable loss of 1-2 pounds per week. 

Focus on nutritionally dense food – Nutritionally dense food are usually whole foods such as whole grains, lean proteins, health fats, fruits, and vegetables. These foods are usually lower in calories, has higher fibre content and provides our body with the essential nutrients that support overall health. Research shows that they can help reduce hunger and increase the feeling of fullness, which can lead to decrease in overall calorie intake throughout the day. Minimizing processed food such as refined carbohydrates and processed foods such as table sugar, pastries, white rice, and bread can help reduce weight gain and promote fat loss. 

Incorporating strength training – While cardiovascular exercise and nutrition are key in managing our total daily calorie expenditure, incorporating a strength training regime can help boost metabolism and preserve our muscle tissues. By having more muscles in our body, it can help burn more calories at rest compared to fats throughout the whole day.  

Protein intake – Adequate protein intake is vital especially during a fat loss phase as the caloric intake will be lower hence helping to preserve as much muscle tissues as possible while promoting fat loss during this phase. Protein can also make us feel the state of satiety or the feeling of fullness, due to the ability to regulate our appetite hormones. Research shows that young adults with a high protein breakfast has lasting hormonal effects lasting for several hours. Go for high protein sources such as eggs, lean meats, fish or tofu, aiming for at least a serving with each meal. 

Good quality sleep – Studies have shown how lack of sleep of less than 6 hours is linked to an increased risk of obesity. This poor-quality sleep can affect our metabolism, promote insulin resistance, and increase level of cortisol, promoting storage of fats. It can also disrupt our hormones that regulate our appetite and hunger, resulting to cravings which may lead to overeating. Aim to get in between 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep which will help support fat loss. 

In conclusion, there is no quick fixes when it comes to fat loss. The recommendation is to find a sustainable approach that suits your individual goals and needs. Also, it is important to remember that every individual response to exercise and diet may vary, hence it is advisable to seek professional consultation before making any significant changes to your lifestyle.  

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