Although you may be aware that certain foods may increase your risk of heart disease, it can be challenging to change your eating habits. No matter if you have a history of unhealthy eating, or if you desire a healthier diet, these heart-healthy diet tips will help you. A heart-healthy diet begins with knowing what foods to eat more of and less of.
To eat healthily, you should consume a variety of foods from each of the five major food groups in the recommended amounts. In addition to providing nutrients to the body, eating a variety of foods from the 5 major food groups promotes overall health, reduces disease risk, and keeps your diet interesting with different tasting and textured foods. The 5 major food groups are vegetables, fruits, lean meat and fish, grains and dairy.
Modern diets frequently include foods that do not fall into the five food groups. Foods like these, referred to as ‘junk’ foods, ‘discretionary choices’, or ‘occasional foods’, can be enjoyed occasionally, but they shouldn’t be part of a healthy diet on a regular basis. It is necessary to consume small amounts of fats and oils to maintain a healthy diet, even if they contain many calories. Whatever your starting point is, it’s simple to make positive changes by eating a varied, well-balanced diet with foods from the five major food groups and reducing occasional foods.
The goal of a varied, well-balanced diet is to consume foods from each of the five food groups in the recommended amounts each day. Choosing a variety of foods within each food group is important because they each provide different types and amounts of key nutrients. Additionally, a variety of foods will keep your meals interesting, so you won’t get bored eating the same thing over and over.
Using the MyPlate tool is also another simple way to control the portion size and type of food you consume. This tool indicates what food groups are recommended, as well as how much of each food should be consumed. Those who do not like counting calories will find this tool most useful.
In conclusion, your diet shouldn’t be one that is all or nothing. A healthy diet does not always require you to eat healthily and learn to treat yourself once in awhile. Plan and prepare your meals ahead of time to ensure that you are getting all the nutrients that your body requires.